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G.M.G. Zeon Soldier 05 - Female Normal Suit MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM - Gundam Military Generation

G.M.G. Zeon Soldier 05 – Female Normal Suit MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM – Gundam Military Generation


The long-awaited third instalment of "G.M.G. (Gundam Military Generation)" has arrived, and this one features a female Zeon soldier in her spacesuit!

Optional parts include a Naban Type 62 pistol and a rifle for hand-to-hand combat, a land mover, a harness, and a replaceable head. Also included are a food set, cooler box, wire and three types of hooks as bonus parts that allow you to recreate scenes such as the platoon commanded by Char infiltrating the Federation Base when you purchase all three action figures in this instalment. Order today!

Approximately 10cm tall

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